CleanMyMac X 4.6.14 Mac 经典好用的Mac清理工具
对于很多Mac用户来说,CleanMyMac 4是大家首选的优秀Mac清理软件。由于它强大的功能,让大量新老用户所折服。作为老牌开发商MacPaw制作的优秀应用,CleanMyMac 4几乎满足用户所有的清理需求。这款清理软件不仅包含各种清理功能,更是具有卸载器、维护、隐私、扩展、碎纸机这些实用功能,可以同时代替很多工具。它可以清理,优化,保养和监测您的电脑,确保您的Mac运行畅通无阻!
CleanMyMac X Mac破解版是Mac os系统上一款先进的、集所有功能于一身的实用系统清理工具,它能帮助保持您的Mac保持清洁。只需两个简单的点击,就可以删除无用的文件,以节省您宝贵的磁盘空间。CleanMyMac X可以流畅地与系统性能相结合,清洁不需要的语言、记录更新、清洁缓存、快速安全擦除、应用卸载和清空回收站等重要功能。CleanMyMac X可以为您节省硬盘空间,提高电脑的速度。CleanMyMac X一定会使您的Mac更加出色。

CleanMyMac X for Mac破解版功能介绍 系统垃圾:清理您的系统来获得最大的性能和释放自由空间。 照片垃圾:移除照片图库中的支持数据,使之变小。 邮件附件:移除邮件下载和附件的本地副本 iTunes垃圾:清理过时的iOS设备备份,软件更新和其他iTunes支持数据 废纸篓:倾倒Mac上所有废纸篓,包括邮寄和照片图库垃圾。 大型和旧文件:查找和移除大型文件和文件夹。 卸载器;移除整个应用程序,包括其所有关联文件。 维护:运行一组脚本,快速优化系统性能。 隐私:立即移除浏览历史以及在线和离线活动的痕迹。 扩展:移除或禁用Widget,应用程序插件,偏好设置面板,词典,屏幕保护程序和登录项。 碎纸机:迅速擦除任何不需要的文件或文件夹而又不留一丝痕迹。
CleanMyMac X makes space for the things you love. Sporting a range of ingenious new features, CleanMyMac lets you safely and intelligently scan and clean your entire system, delete large, unused files, reduce the size of your iPhoto library, uninstall unneeded apps or fix the ones that started to work improperly, manage all your extensions from one place and do much more – all from one newly designed and beautifully simple interface. FEATURES
- Easy to use, user-friendly interface
- Drag and drop nature
- Slims universal binaries
- Removes useless language translations
- Most accurate application uninstallation
- Quick and Secure file eraser
- Manages widgets, plugins and preference panes
- Erases garbage left from previously removed applications and widgets
- Monitors your Trash helping you to uninstall trashed applications correctly
- Keeps an eye on your removable devices to clean them up from junk service files
WHAT’S NEW Version 4.6.9: Added:
- Malware database was updated with more types of threats and detection rules
- An ability to submit malware samples to our research team for a detailed analysis
- Removing threats found by the real-time malware monitor got faster and easier
- Detecting malware in applications and running processes
- A frequent crash in the Updater module
- Removal of files following symlinks within Shredder
1、关于CleanMyMac x 4.2.1碰到打不开提示错误或闪退之类的情况,针对10.14的系统,在装好4.2.1和谐版后,运行终端输入以下命令然后回车即可:
codesign -f -s - --deep /Applications/CleanMyMac\
2、注意:新版本的CleanMyMac X容易发送官方网络链接,建议安装一款防火墙软件屏蔽CleanMyMac X的官方网络链接!